Breawn Felix, Director of Support Services

What do people say when you tell them you work in construction?

When I say I work in construction, people usually respond with a shocked face followed by, “Oh really? What do you do?” When I tell them, they are a little thrown off that I am in a virtual design and construction role.

What do you like best about being in the construction industry?

I love seeing all the work that my team and I do come to fruition. The majority of our work happens before construction starts. We build digital twins and work out the conflicts prior to ever breaking ground. This allows the trades to prefabricate, which is part of our coordination too. So it’s extremely rewarding to see a project get built the way we coordinated it.

How does more diversity on a construction jobsite help teams solve problems better?

In my position, I don’t experience a lot of diversity. 90% of the people I deal with are male. Usually the owners/clients, owner representatives, subcontractors, are all male. Diversity adds perspective, seeing things through different but complementary lenses. I’m proud to be building a diverse team of VDC experts.

Why did you choose Swinerton?

When I came in for an interview, I was introduced to a lot of people in the office. All of them were really nice. I picked up on the friendly/family-like vibe that they had with my later-to-be boss. I was afraid that I would feel like just a number joining such a big company, but I could tell right away that wasn’t how it was going to be. I also loved the idea of working for an employee-owned company. You really do have a voice and skin in the game.

What do you enjoy about your job?

My favorite part of my job is my team. I’ve built up a team from 2 to 10. Every one of them are like family to me. We truly enjoy working together and have fun with it. I also love that I’m given the freedom to blaze my own trail at Swinerton.

What is your advice to women looking start a career in construction?

For women or anyone looking to start a career in construction, remember that with everyone you interact with, you’re building a relationship. It could be a 5 minute conversation or years of working together. Build relationships everywhere you go with everyone. This will ultimately build trust, and before you know it, you’ll have an army of supporters that speak highly of you even when you’re not in the room.

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