Charlotte Lundin, Project Manager

What do people say when you tell them you work in construction?

Most of the time people don’t under what construction management is, so they assume initially that I am the one out in the field putting work into place, which confuses them even more being a woman. I usually try to explain my role at a high level, and once in a while I will still receive comments about being a female in a male-dominated industry. Mostly people think it’s pretty cool that I am in construction, and those that work in construction and understand it have an even higher level of respect for me.

What do you like best about being in the construction industry?

The construction industry is full of challenges, but it’s also full of a ton of opportunities. What many don’t understand is the construction industry is compiled of so many different roles and types of people like marketing, administration, craft labor, business development, networking, preconstruction, scheduling, talent, etc. As you grow as a person and within your career, you can really figure out what you want to do and how you want to do it.

How does more diversity on a construction jobsite help teams solve problems better?

Problem solving occurs every day on the jobsite and most of the time there are multiple ways to achieve a solution. The key is having people challenge one another on ideas through their various experiences or thought processes in order to land on the most efficient solution to the problem. If everyone is like-minded, then a lot of great solutions can be overlooked and you may end up with something that isn’t as beneficial, especially as it relates to schedule, cost, or quality.

Why did you choose Swinerton?

Swinerton is a family. The culture is full of a strong support system centered around ensuring the employees are happy, healthy, and thriving. This largely has to do with being employee-owned, keeping the standard high when it comes to hiring, and promoting from within whenever possible. Swinerton’s support of me as an individual, including both my career as well as my personal life, is what drives me to continue to choose Swinerton.

What do you enjoy about your job?

The process of building and construction is extremely unique and you get to intimately understand the buildings you build more than the majority of the population. It’s very satisfying to understand the structures we interact with on a daily basis, but even more so to drive by buildings that you started on when it was simply a dirt lot or a hole in the ground.

What is your advice to women looking start a career in construction?

Construction is definitely a challenging career, but if you love it then it will reward you. Don’t be afraid to be a part of the construction industry because you are a woman. With the right group and right people around you, you will find that being a woman is in fact a huge strength and benefit within this industry.

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